George Kvasnikov

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Let’s learn together

About & CV

Available for work 🔥

Case Studies

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Let’s learn together

About & CV

Available for work 🔥

ideas need combined efforts...

ideas need combined efforts...

ideas need combined efforts...

...and that's when a partner comes into play.

I've been working in the design industry for over 15 years, and a great number of projects have passed through my hands. Despite the fact that I deal mainly with digital design, I understand how important it is to make all the elements of a brand work in a coherent eco-system and create a unified product. And this requires a team effort.

A good news are - I have an award-winning partner who works with me and is an expert in branding and brand strategy. Together we have a world-class expertise in graphic design, print production, animation and digital design, that shapes our unique approach to storytelling through haptic and digital design.

Let's talk

Let's talk

Let's talk

George Kvasnikov

Digital UX&UI designer

Ivan Vasin

Brand, graphic designer

What we can help with

  • Brand design

  • Brand strategy

  • Creative writing

  • Design systems and ecosystem strategy

  • Big scale UX and UI projects

  • User research & testing

  • Long-term roadmaps

  • Motion design

We are offering a flexible pricing model, that makes our expertise affordable even for small businesses.

Get in touch

Do you have a project I could help with? I'd be happy to discuss the opportunity.

Ⓒ George Kvasnikov, 2023