Let’s learn together

I offer personalized coaching for individuals and in-house design teams. Whether you're seeking feedback on your portfolio or hoping to enhance your design skills, I can help you take your work to the next level. I also conduct workshops to boost creativity and bring excitement back into the design process. Let's work together to elevate your design game and achieve your goals.

Individual Coaching

Stuck as a digital designer? Feeling overwhelmed? Or just want to improve your skills? I offer personalized coaching to help you reach your full potential. Whether you need a little guidance or just want to enhance your abilities, I'm here to support you.

Areas where I can help:

• Reviewing and refining your portfolio
• Preparing you for job interview
• Reviewing and helping with specific design related task
• Helping you to organize your workflow
• Helping you with next steps in your career

Cost per hour


Team Workshop

Are you looking to a little creative boost for your in-house design team? Your team is struggling with a project, experiencing creative burnout or feeling demotivated? As an art director with experience to run creative teams I am offering workshops to help reignite the team's passion and creativity. Contact me to schedule a workshop for your in-house designers.

Conference Talks

I am passionate about sharing my knowledge and making connections with others. If you host a design conference, feel free to reach out to me for a speaking role. I've spoken at events such as Awwwards, Behance Review, Dribble Meetup and many others around the world.

Individual Coaching

Stuck as a digital designer? Feeling overwhelmed? Or just want to improve your skills? I offer personalized coaching to help you reach your full potential. Whether you need a little guidance or just want to enhance your abilities, I'm here to support you.

Areas where I can help:

• Reviewing and refining your portfolio
• Preparing you for job interview
• Reviewing and helping with specific design related task
• Helping you to organize your workflow
• Helping you with next steps in your career

Cost per hour


Team Workshop

Are you looking to a little creative boost for your in-house design team? Your team is struggling with a project, experiencing creative burnout or feeling demotivated? As an art director with experience to run creative teams I am offering workshops to help reignite the team's passion and creativity. Contact me to schedule a workshop for your in-house designers.

Conference Talks

I am passionate about sharing my knowledge and making connections with others. If you host a design conference, feel free to reach out to me for a speaking role. I've spoken at events such as Awwwards, Behance Review, Dribble Meetup and many others around the world.

Individual Coaching

Stuck as a digital designer? Feeling overwhelmed? Or just want to improve your skills? I offer personalized coaching to help you reach your full potential. Whether you need a little guidance or just want to enhance your abilities, I'm here to support you.

Areas where I can help:

• Reviewing and refining your portfolio
• Preparing you for job interview
• Reviewing and helping with specific design related task
• Helping you to organize your workflow
• Helping you with next steps in your career

Cost per hour


Team Workshop

Are you looking to a little creative boost for your in-house design team? Your team is struggling with a project, experiencing creative burnout or feeling demotivated? As an art director with experience to run creative teams I am offering workshops to help reignite the team's passion and creativity. Contact me to schedule a workshop for your in-house designers.

Conference Talks

I am passionate about sharing my knowledge and making connections with others. If you host a design conference, feel free to reach out to me for a speaking role. I've spoken at events such as Awwwards, Behance Review, Dribble Meetup and many others around the world.

Get in touch

Do you have a project I could help with? I'd be happy to discuss the opportunity.

Ⓒ George Kvasnikov, 2024

Get in touch

Do you have a project I could help with? I'd be happy to discuss the opportunity.

Ⓒ George Kvasnikov, 2024

Get in touch

Do you have a project I could help with? I'd be happy to discuss the opportunity.

Ⓒ George Kvasnikov, 2024